Life Update

My life the past four years has been a total whirlwind to say the least. I moved to a different state, finished college (kind of), had my heart broken, fell in love all over again, gained weight, lost it, and gained it all back, and so much more. The most important thing that has happened is that I grew. I grew mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I cannot wait to share everything with you over the next few weeks leading up to my first video at the end of the month, but for now I’ll start with what I am doing now and just work my way backwards.

Currently, I live in Charlotte, North Carolina and lead Younglife on a volunteer basis. I moved to Charlotte on December 29th, 2018 for a job I no longer have. I went through leader training for the 6th time and finally got the opportunity to lead. I am applying for jobs thanks to COVID and take care of my sweet little kitten Sammi Grace. I am currently in a relationship with a wonderful Christian man and I am impatiently waiting on a ring. There is definitely a lot more tell and I cannot wait to share it all with y’all. Until next time!

I’m Back!

For those of you finding this blog for the first time, welcome. For those of you who have been waiting for a new post for 4+ years, I am sorry, but thank you for being patient with me while I collectively got my shit together. After crying enough tears to fill up the Great Lakes and 3 years of soul searching and figuring out who I am, I am back and better than ever! I definitely plan to fill you in on everything that has happened since my last post over the next few weeks and as this happens you will see a gradual change in content. I still plan on sticking to my roots and keeping this blog focused on the same content I had when I first started, but I will also be putting a focus on politics. If you still follow my twitter account, then you know that I came out as a conservative a couple of years ago. I plan on using that influence on certain posts going forward. I will also in the next few weeks be starting a YouTube channel that will focus on beauty, lifestyle, and politics. Once that is up and running, I will make a post with updates when videos will be uploaded. I am hoping to work up to 3 videos a week, but will start off with 1 and go from there. I hope you all will join me in this journey and if not I understand. For those of you who stick around thank you and I cannot wait to see where these next few years take us.

What’s Underneath All The Clothes Brooke Davis?

If you are a One Tree Hill fan, then you know the most infamous question that Owen the bar manager asked the one and only Brooke Davis. It is a question that has plagued us all to this day. On the outside to most Brooke seemed to have it all together, like me, Brooke had the appearance of a happy woman in her early 20s. However, what we did not know was that Brooke was unhappy and longing for something we all need, love. Brooke wanted to know that she had someone that truly loved her, whether it be a baby or a husband. Eventually, Brooke did get her wish and she lived happily ever after, but not without some trouble along the way. I know what you are thinking, what does Brooke Davis, a fictional character from a television show have to do with any of this? Well I like Brooke have been hiding a secret for many years, a secret that has finally caught up with me, I have extreme anxiety and moderate depression. These two mental illnesses have controlled my life since I was a little girl and yes, I have been going to therapy for over five years now, but I have only now began to take medication for it. I have dealt with countless health issues over the past 5 years, but these two eat at me the most. I am terrified, confused, and worried. Terrified on what the medicine might do to me. confused on why God put yet another burden on me, and worried on whether or not it will work. I wonder what people will think of me and if they will treat me differently or not. I think about how this will affect my relationship with my friends, my family, and my boyfriend. Is this going to affect college or my jobs and how am I supposed to deal with it all. All of this and much more have and still plague my mind at this very moment. As these past two weeks have come and gone, I realized that I do not need to worry even though I still am and most likely will and that I do not need to be afraid of anything. Yes, this is weird and awkward and confusing, but in the long run this will help me. I will start to feel better about myself. I will start to feel normal and feel that I fit in. I will be happier and be calm. And as I am typing this, I realize that I am a strong and beautiful daughter of Christ and that I can do this. I will not let my anxiety take control of me any longer. I refuse to lay around and be unproductive with my life when there are so many out there who cannot do for themselves. I am not going to be defined by my anxiety and depression, I refuse to.

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A picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words, so five must be 5,000, but what the only thing most people see in a picture are a face and clothes. No one can see what is underneath it all, no one can see the pain of an invisible disease or the heartache of a lost loved one. So, I ask the question that we have all be plagued with for nearly ten years, “What’s underneath all the clothes?”

I know what is underneath mine and it is time that I start to let the people who care about me in so that they can see for themselves, but what about you? Are you hiding a secret that you think is meaningless or small. Well,.let me be the first to tell you that nothing you hold inside should control you. For anyone suffering with anxiety, depression, or any other mental illness, you are not alone. You matter and are made to do great and amazing things. Do not ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You do not have to suffer alone and you do not have to let your mental illness define you.

What’s underneath all the clothes?

God Bless

Welcome Back!!!!

I know that it has been a really long time and I truly apologize for that. I was locked out of my account all summer and was not able to get back on until today. I have a lot of things to share with yall and I cannot wait until I start posting everything this week. I am really excited to be back and I hope that yall have a great day! I am going to end this with a couple of my favorite bible verses

Psalm 100:5 “For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”

Romans 8:18 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is yet to be revealed to us”

1 Corinthians 13:12 “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully even as I have fully been known”

Ephesians 3:17-19 ” […] so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith– that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God”

Hebrews 10: 24-25 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near”

God Bless

New Beginnings

I know that I keep saying that I will make a post and I am terribly sorry for not keeping my word, but things have been so left and right, that I Have barely had anytime for myself. There have been so many changes in my life within this past month and I know that the Lord has been having his way with me and making His plan clearer every single day. I just read a beautiful article about trusting in the Lord by a friend of a friend and every word she said is true. This month has taught me that what I might have planned form my life may not be what God has in store for me. It is so important to trust in God, even when times are hard. About two months ago, I was dead set on giving up on ever being married, ever having children, I was questioning my major and calling in life, and could not see what was planned for my future. Well, while I was on choir tour, God starting working like He had never worked within me before. I met an amazing boy who I have been dating for exactly a month today, I received conformation that going into Music Education is the right track and not only this, but to potentially open up a fine arts studio that teaches dance, art, and music to children of all ages, and to be a volunteer youth leader. When I least expected it, God came changed everything to the way that He wanted my life to be. I know that nothing is guaranteed and I know that God can change everything all over again, but the only thing that I can do is trust in Him and know that everything in my life happens for a reason and is for my benefit. God wants me to be the best person that I can be and He wants me to grow in my relationship with Him, to be stronger in my faith and trust in Him. He wants all of us to know this and believe in this. I hope that this post and Blaize’s post are beneficial to you and open your eyes and hearts to what a truly amazing God we have.

God Bless!!

“Trust Me Anyways”

This a beautiful blog, written by a even more beautiful bulldog and sister of Christ. I hope that you all take the time to read this and enjoy


FIRST BLOG EVER: Here goes nothing || hope you enjoy!

Hard to believe my freshman year of college is coming to a close! Man oh man has this year been one for the books. There have been many ups, and there have been many downs. However, through every experience this year has afforded me, there is a common phrase the Lord continues to lay on my heart: “Trust Me Anyways“.

My dear pal Merriam-Webster says trust is “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something“.

I am a planner. I love to have a schedule. I love to know exactly what each day holds, and only on special occasions do I enjoy surprises. So, for me (and I am assuming some you are the same way), Trust is a hard word. Plain and simple. It is a word I struggle to live out every…

View original post 441 more words


First of all, I apologize for not having posted in so long, things have been so crazy these past few weeks. I am proud to finally announce that this afternoon, I will be launching an Instagram account! I have been wanting to for some time now and I know have the means to do so. The account name is @MC_Prep, just like my Twitter account! I cannot wait to embark on this journey and hopefully I will be able to start sponsoring contest and companies. I will still keep to my original purpose of this blog. Thank you all so much for bearing with me and I promise to make a new post at some point tonight.

God Bless!

Be Careful About What You Post On Social Media

Within the past five years, there has been so much cyber bullying and suicide attempts and unfortunately success at suicide due to social media. With the bullying aspect I am specifically talking about the app Yik Yak. Yik Yak is an anonymous bulletin board for college students. Since its creation, it has been a source of harassment for many students, my self included. Now the creators of the app have been trying to combat this by blocking it on high school campuses with GPS tracking and creating a list of rules, with the first two being “You will not use this app to harass, bully, or intimidate students or post anyone’s name on it.” I may may have the wording wrong on that and I apologize, but that is the jist of the rule. Well even with this in place, college students still find ways around this rule and students are still getting harassed. I can personally speak from experience that it takes several times to actually successfully report a yak and get it taken down. I am not saying that yik yak is a bad thing, but it has led to terrible things happening and I feel that the creators need to take another look at their guidelines and regulations and try to make this less of an issue. However, yik yak is not the only social media outlet that has been used for bullying. is another place where people get harassed on a daily basis. It allows people to either have their real name or handle known or to be anonymous and get away with cyber bullying. My point with this post is to not to make anyone hate social media, because it has quite a few pros, but what I am trying to say is that we need to think before we speak or post anything on the internet. You never know who is going to see what in the future or hear what you say. What you say or post could hurt someone or even push them over the edge. I hope that you all have a great day and sorry for the slightly depressing post. I promise that my next one will be more upbeat and positive.

God Bless!

Cheers To The New Year, Here Is To 2015!!!!!!

First and foremost, Happy New Year!!!!!! We made it through another 365 days of ups and downs, big changes, new memories, and hard lessons. I am extremely thankful for everything that happened last year, but I am really looking forward to what God has to show and teach me this year. Everyone always makes a resolution for the new year and never sticks to it, including myself. So this year I think that we all should try to make this an amazing year, not just for ourselves, but for everyone involved in our lives. We think that we should strive to make this the best year for each other. I know that this could seem impossible, but by doing just one selfless deed a day, we could change someones life. Even just saying hello or asking someone about their day could make a huge difference. You never know the state of mind that a person could be in and by doing this, you could really make a difference. That is why I am striving to make a difference this year for my New Year’s Resolution. Not only does doing something nice for someone else make them feel good, but it also makes you feel better as well and believe it or not, this is proven science! So in closing, here is to 2015, a year for new beginnings, new relationships, new memories, and new adventures! Let’s all get together and make this the year to beat!

God Bless!!!!!!!!